On September 1, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) issued a much anticipated and contested proposed rule that seeks to establish minimum staffing level requirements for nursing homes. The proposed rule represents the first time the federal government has proposed comprehensive nationwide nursing home staffing requirements, although various states have already enacted their own staffing requirements.Continue Reading CMS Proposes Minimum Staffing Requirements and Enhanced Facility Assessments for Nursing Homes

Paul Mourning
Paul Mourning is a partner in the New York office of Crowell & Moring. Paul has a multidimensional practice focused on health care and nonprofit organizations, particularly relating to corporate, regulatory, and transactional matters. Clients include acute care, residential long-term care, home care, and hospice providers, as well as managed care and other health insurance organizations. Paul has served as National Legal Counsel to The Salvation Army for many years. He advises a variety of tax-exempt clients in a number of service areas, including religious organizations, foundations, educational institutions, museums, social service agencies, and trade associations.
New Transparency Requirements for Skilled Nursing Facilities in California
On July 21, 2023, the Department of Health Care Access and Information of the California Health and Human Services Agency released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (the “Proposed Rule”) with regulations that would implement new financial and ownership transparency requirements for skilled nursing facilities (“SNFs”) in California.Continue Reading New Transparency Requirements for Skilled Nursing Facilities in California
$900 Million Increase in Medicare Part A Payments One of Many Medicare Changes for SNFs in FY 2023
On July 29, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule that updates Medicare payment policies and rates for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and enacts changes to the SNF Quality Reporting Program and the SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program beginning in FY 2023.
SNF Payment Rates and PDPM Adjustments
Nursing homes…
New York State Attorney General Issues New Guidance on Sale of All or Substantially All Assets of Not-for-Profit Nursing Homes
The New York State Attorney General (the ”AG”) recently issued new standards of review for the sale of all or substantially all assets of not-for-profit nursing homes which should be of keen interest to both not-for-profit providers and prospective for-profit purchasers. See http://www.charitiesnys.com/pdfs/NursingHomeSales.pdf (the “Guidance”). After noting the significant increase in efforts to sell nonprofit…