Photo of William Tucker

Will Tucker is an associate in the firm's Washington, D.C. office, where he practices in the Health Care and Government Contracts groups. Will represents clients in a range of complex litigation and counseling engagements. He helps clients navigate relationships with federal and state regulators, often regarding the use of emerging technologies and implementation of new business models. His counseling practice covers fraud and abuse compliance, state licensure guidance, responding to federal audits, and state procurement procedures, among other issues. His litigation practice spans both plaintiff-side and defense work, including fraud, data rights, and insurance disputes in federal court, as well as bid protests before the Government Accountability Office.

The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services (“HHS”), and the Treasury (the “Tri-agencies”) released their 2022 annual report to Congress on the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (“MHPAEA”) on Tuesday, January 25. The Employee Benefits Security Administration (“EBSA”) released an FY 2021 MHPAEA Enforcement Fact Sheet alongside the annual report. Together, the Tri-agencies’ report and EBSA fact sheet provide additional, important information for group health plans and health insurance issuers looking to comply with the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act’s (“CAA”) non-quantitative treatment limitation (“NQTL”) comparative analysis requirements. But plans and issuers need additional agency guidance.
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