In the latest episode of Payers, Providers, and Patients – Oh My!, Troy Barsky and Alice Hall-Partyka talk with Joe Records and Payal Nanavati about how recent litigation challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act may impact providers and payers. The discussion focuses on the authority for innovative health care models and
C&M Alert on the “Overdue” 60-Day Overpayment Rule for Part A & B Providers
By Stephanie Willis on
Posted in Fraud, Waste & Abuse
Our Health Care Group attorneys have authored a new alert explaining the implications of the final rule on the reporting and return of overpayments (the “Overpayment Rule”) the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued earlier this month. CMS promulgated the Overpayment Rule nearly two years after the agency issued its final rules governing…
Supreme Court To Take Up Implied Certification Theory of FCA Liability
By David W. O'Brien & Stephanie Willis on
Last week, in a case that will have a significant impact on future False Claims Act (FCA) suits against health care entities, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Universal Health Services, Inc. v. United States ex rel. Escobar. By agreeing to hear the case, the Court will resolve the circuit split over the so-called …